recipe idea news : Recipe idea news home : May 2006

May 12, 2006 11:07 - Money Idea! Bring Your Brains and Motivation .

Money ideas are not easy to come by. Good ones, that is.

Yes, if you have brains and motivation (not necessarily in that order) then you can be a success on the 'net!

Oh sure, the net abounds in GRQ (get rich quick) schemes. Those sales letters are a work of art, are they not? Talk about money ideas and knowing which buttons to push...

"Sign on the dotted line, send me your cash and you will be a gazillion-aire in just three days!"

It does not work that way.

Does this sound like you?

  • Few resources (no capital to speak of, no extra cash floating around).
  • Gotta keep the day job for now, so that means that you have little time.
  • Not exactly a computer whiz, so there is going to be a learning curve, right?

A lot of people are in the same boat. It takes hard work and determination to be your own boss. Sure, you need a little start up money.
  • You need your own domain name.
  • You need to create a web presence so people can find you.
  • Above all, you need to do something you are interested in and know something about.

Just imagine, if you were doing a job you loved, every Monday would be like a Friday!

  • Your commute could be down the hall to your computer.

  • Baby sitters and child care would be a thing of the past.

  • No more begging your boss for time off to do something that is important for your kids.
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