Japanese food named namasu. This appetizer uses eggplant, vinegar,

cucumber, shoyu, and sesame. It is served to compliment any entrees, especially Japanese food.

While cucumber is our favorite vegetable for namasu, here are some variations.

Vegetables must be thinly and evenly sliced for the right texture.

Combine vegetables with clam, abalone, dried shrimp, fresh-cooked shrimp, raw fish or crab with this basic, fat-free vinegar dressing.

Basic Namasu Dressing

1 cup sugar
1 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon rind
Juice of 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon dried shrimp, rinsed and minced

Combine ingredients, cover and shake well. Store in refrigerator.

Eggplant Namasu

2 long size nasubi (eggplant)

1. slice and salt (1 tsp sea salt)
2. soak for 1/2 hr or more
3. squeeze liquid from eggplant
4. add to sauce:

2 T sugar
2 T shoyu
1 T lemon juice
2 tsp powdered mustard

Ogo Namasu

A few ogo (crispy seaweed)

1/4 C vinegar
1/2 C shoyu
3 T sugar
ajinomoto (optional)
ground sesame seeds
chopped round onion
sliced tomato
1 tsp sesame oil

Pour boiling water over Ogo and drain in colander.
Put Ogo in large bowl and add remaining ingredients. Mix well.

rec·i·pe ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rs-p) n.

1. A set of directions with a list of ingredients for making or preparing something, especially food. There are many more recipes for Japanese food in our cookbook.

2. A formula for or means to a desired end: a recipe for success. Solo Build It

3. A medical prescription.

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